If you’re like most guys, you have your cell phone stashed in your pocket. It seems like the most sensible place to put it, but beware — it could be slowly poaching your sperm and increasing your risk of infertility.
More and more studies are linking mobile phone radiation to male infertility, with some scientists describing it as “cooking” sperm. Infertility already affects one in 25 men, and the proliferation of wireless devices we use — laptops, cell phones, tablets — is causing researchers to start looking into just what’s happening when all that technology sits on our laps.
Our digital interactions have changed society, and it hasn’t always been an improvement. There is a health toll as well, so while the ubiquity of WiFi networks always us to stay connected, it is damaging our bodies in ways we are only just beginning to understand.
In fact, a recent study out of Israel found increased sperm abnormality in 47 percent of the men who kept their cell phones in their pockets during the day. Abnormalities in sperm rose from 35.7% to 60.9% among men who used their phones for more than an hour a day.
And while proximity to the groin was one factor, even charging your cell phone on your nightstand — a few feet from your testicles — can lower sperm count.
“Men need to think about their wellbeing and try to stop being addicted to their phones,” British fertility consultant, Gedis Grudzinskas, told the Telegraph.
People are beginning to question the way we have let this technology take over our homes, our schools, our workplaces, and every aspect of our environment. We know almost nothing about the long-term effects this proliferation of WiFi, mobile phone networks and electromagnetic sequences could be causing — because there has been no real long-term studies.
What we do know, about the short term, however, is shocking enough.
Wireless radiation in the form of WiFi networks and mobile phone radiation passes through our bodies — much like X-rays — and like X-rays it causes damage to cells and DNA. The EMF radiation from WiFi may be non-ionising (unlike X-rays), but this type of radiation can still cause damage to sensitive areas. This includes damage to the vulnerable sperm developing right next to a laptop or a mobile phone kept in a trouser pocket.
The damage affects sperm motility and viability, causing the sperm to die or form incorrectly. The overall sperm count is impacted by these non-motile, non-viable sperm and can drop below healthy, fertile levels.
Fortunately, there is a way to protect the goods from mobile radiation — an anti-radiation phone case developed by WaveWall. It will protect your genitals by blocking the harmful electromagnetic radiation your phone emits. WaveWall lets you use your mobile safely, without interfering with the phone’s ability to send and receive data.
WaveWall is a UK company but will ship worldwide for free. You can purchase through their website or Amazon.
If you are concerned that carrying your cell phone in your front pocket for the last five years could have affected your fertility, you can quickly and easily test your sperm count with SpermCheck. It’s an over-the-counter kit that lets you test your sperm level in the comfort of your own home.
In his book, Drowning in a Sea of Microwaves, Dr Mae-Wen Ho warned of the dangers of wireless tech, likening microwaves to cigarette smoke and passive smoking. Wireless “pollution” has been termed “out of control” ahead of widespread rollouts of 5G mobile phone networks. In Krakow, Poland, the mayor provided EMF meters so people could monitor their exposure, described as “electrical smog.”
Almost every public space is filled with invisible electromagnetic radiation. For some people a condition known as electrohypersensitivity makes everyday life unbearable. But all of us exist in a wireless-saturated world that is damaging our bodies with potentially life-changing consequences. This is the hidden cost of our always-connected world.
“I think this is a warning to men to change their habits to improve their chances of having children,” said one of the scientists involved in the Israeli study.
So before you stick that phone in your pocket or set it down on your nightstand once again, we hope you take action to protect your manhood.
Struggling with infertility and need answers?
An at-home sperm test from SpermCheck can help you know your sperm levels and discover the best next step in your fertility journey. Order your SpermCheck Fertility test today.