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Charlottesville Tomorrow Features Dr. John Herr – SpermCheck Founder

By October 27, 2014December 26th, 2019No Comments

Dr. John Herr, Founder of SpermCheck

As of September 2014, if you walk into a CVS, Walgreen, or RiteAid, you will likely find SpermCheck, an at-home test for men that indicates whether an individual should schedule an appointment with his doctor to talk about his fertility. This tremendous step forward in family planning is thanks to the cell and molecular biology research of Dr. John Herr, a Professor of Cell Biology, Urology and BioMedical Engineering at U.Va. Besides founding the Lymphocyte Culture Center and the Center for Research in Contraceptive and Reproductive Health, Herr holds 26 patents, he and his team have named over 30 genes in the human genome, and he has founded three Charlottesville biotechnology companies: Humagen,  ContraVac, and most recently Neoantigenics. This latest effort promises a breakthrough in cancer diagnosis and treatment…

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