Why should I use SpermCheck® Fertility?
SpermCheck® Fertility can help take some of the guessing out of the conception process. Whether you are planning a pregnancy in the near future or have had trouble getting pregnant, this unique and inexpensive sperm detection product, can help couples save time, money and frustration. Starting the process with a male fertility test can eliminate unnecessary and expensive testing of the female. 50% of infertility issues are related to the male, yet 80% of men are not tested early on or at all.
How does SpermCheck® Fertility work?
SpermCheck® Fertility is easy to use, providing fast, easy-to-read results. Similar to a pregnancy test, the SCF uses colored lines to inform you if there is normal or low sperm count. Done in the privacy of your own home, a semen sample is placed in the solution bottle provided and the two are mixed. Four drops of the mixture is then placed in the testing device, which will measure the sperm count in the sample. All the contents needed for testing are in the package. The patented process of sperm detection is made possible by a protein, found exclusively in the head of mature sperm.
In just 10 minutes, the results indicate a normal (positive result) or below normal (negative result) sperm count. An explanation of how to read the results is provided in the insert of the SpermCheck® Fertility package, or by clicking here.
What does a positive SpermCheck® Fertility result mean?
A positive result (two lines) indicates that sperm count is at least 20 million per milliliter, a level that is considered “normal” male fertility levels. A positive sperm count test result by itself does not prove that the man is fertile, since there are other factors that can influence a man’s ability to father a child, however, it will give indication that sperm count is not the issue (and that is, by far, the most common male infertility issue). If you have ruled out sperm count as the issue, and are still unable to conceive a baby after six months, both the male and female should have full fertility evaluations by a physician, even if your SpermCheck® Fertility test result was positive.
What does a negative SpermCheck® Fertility result mean?
A negative (one line) result indicates that sperm count is less than 20 million per milliliter, which would likely create conception issues. However, some men with sperm counts below this level are still able to father a baby naturally. It is also important to understand that sperm count can vary from day to day, or improve with lifestyle changes, so it is possible that you might get a positive result if you were to wait a while and take the test again. You should consult a physician if your sperm count test result is negative, particularly on subsequent SpermCheck® Fertility home tests.
Is having a low sperm count common?
Each year 11 million couples will try to have a baby, and about 7 million of those couples will have fertility issues. About 50% of all infertility problems are directly attributed to the male, and most of them are mainly due to low sperm count. However, only 20% of these infertile couples will have the male’s fertility status assessed.
How can a man increase his sperm count naturally ?
In some cases, sperm count may increase if an underlying condition can be identified and treated. However, the following dietary and lifestyle changes can also help a man increase his sperm count:
- Eat a healthy diet rich in fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Replace animal fats with monounsaturated oils, such as olive oil. Certain specific nutrients and vitamins have been studied for their effects on male infertility and sperm health. While there is no conclusive evidence that they are effective, antioxidant vitamins (vitamin C, vitamin E) and the dietary supplements L-carnitine and L-acetylcarnitine, are known to help increase sperm count.
- Avoid cigarettes and any drugs that may affect sperm count or reduce sexual function.
- There’s a direct correlation between waist size and testosterone levels. The bigger the waist, the lower the testosterone. Overweight men should try to reduce their weight as obesity may be associated with infertility. Men with a body mass index (BMI) over 25 have a 20% increased chance of infertility. Being too thin is also bad; it has been shown a BMI of less than 20 can lower sperm count. Ideal BMI is between 20 and 25.
- Get sufficient rest
- Exercise moderately, but regularly (excessive exercise can impair fertility).
- Although studies indicate that tight underwear is no threat to male fertility, there is no harm in wearing looser clothing (switch from briefs to boxers).
- To prevent overheating of the testes, men should avoid hot baths, Jacuzzis, steam rooms and using a laptop computer directly on their lap for a long length of time.
- Avoid use of sexual lubricants as they may affect sperm motility.
- Reduce stress. It is not known if stress reduction techniques can improve fertility, but they may help couples endure the difficult processes involved in dealing with infertility issues.
When should I see a doctor about male infertility?
If you have a negative result on the SpermCheck® Fertility test, either once or on a subsequent test, speak to your physician. Additionally, experts base their advice for when to seek treatment on the woman’s age and how long you’ve been having unprotected sex:
Age 35 or younger: see your physician (gynecologist, general practitioner, urologist) if you haven’t conceived after 10 to 12 months. A year can seem like a long time, but most younger couples will conceive within a year of trying if there are no other issues.
Age 35 or older (or have a history of fertility problems), see your physician after six months of trying.
You may still be able to get pregnant, but it may take longer, so don’t delay getting help.
Struggling with infertility and need answers?
An at-home sperm test from SpermCheck can help you know your sperm levels and discover the best next step in your fertility journey. Order your SpermCheck Fertility test today.