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What is a Normal Sperm Count? Understanding SpermCheck Fertility Results

By October 19, 2023No Comments

Sperm Count Graphic, Normal Sperm Count and Low Sperm Count

Are you checking your sperm count and interested to know what is considered normal? Understanding the benchmarks for a healthy sperm count is helpful when planning for a child and gauging overall reproductive health. Here, you can learn how sperm count is measured, what a normal sperm count should be, and how to interpret your SpermCheck Fertility Test results. 

How is Sperm Count Measured?

One of the most common ways to evaluate male fertility is to utilize an at-home sperm count test. This test is designed to indicate the number of sperm in a given volume of semen. The metric most often used is millions per milliliter (ml). 

What is a Normal Sperm Count?

Health professionals who perform semen analyses and home tests alike utilize established guidelines to determine a “normal” sperm count. A sperm count of 20 million or more sperm per ml of semen as normal. Anything lower than this 20 million metric would be regarded as a low sperm count. Note that men with low sperm counts still may be fertile, however conception may be more difficult.

It is important to remember that these figures are based on averages; while having a baby may be more challenging with a low sperm count, it is certainly possible. A count below this threshold doesn’t automatically indicate infertility, just as a higher count doesn’t ensure fertility. Factors like sperm morphology and sperm motility can influence fertility, even with a sperm count within the normal range.

Age and Normal Sperm Count

Age significantly affects sperm production and overall male fertility. Although men produce sperm throughout their lives, the quality and quantity of sperm are both likely to decrease with age.

Understanding Your SpermCheck Fertility Results

If you use the SpermCheck Fertility Test, knowing how to interpret your results is important. 

SpermCheck Fertility Metrics

The SpermCheck Fertility Test utilizes a threshold of 20 million sperm per milliliter as the indicator of one’s fertility status. 

How to Read Your SpermCheck Fertility Results

What is a Normal Sperm Count? Understanding SpermCheck Fertility Results

A positive result indicates that the sample provider has at least 20 million sperm per milliliter of their semen – a normal sperm count for fertile men. Positive results are indicated by a visible line on both the Control Line “C” and the Test Line “T.”

The test line does not have to be as dark as the control line or vice versa. Much like a typical pregnancy test, even a very faint line for either the Test or Control variables indicates a positive result – that is, if you see an extremely faint line, your sperm is at least 20 million sperm per milliliter.

A negative result indicates that the semen sample has less than 20 million sperm per milliliter – a low sperm count. Negative results are indicated by a visible line on the Control Line “C” and no appearance of a visible line on Test Line “T.”

*If you do not see a visible line on the Control Line “C,” the test cannot be interpreted, and you should test again with another SpermCheck Fertility Device. In this case, please contact SpermCheck customer service at 866-635-2308.

Additional Male Fertility Testing

The SpermCheck Fertility test is designed specifically for measuring sperm count. While sperm count is the most important, there are several other key parameters of sperm that can affect male fertility. For more in-depth testing, Legacy offers a complete Semen Analysis Kit, including:

  • Semen Volume: The amount of semen you’re producing.
  • Sperm Morphology: The number of your sperm that are the proper size and shape.
  • Sperm Concentration: The number of sperm present in your semen.
  • Sperm Motility: How many of your sperm are moving.

Struggling with infertility and need answers?

An at-home sperm test from SpermCheck can help you know your sperm levels and discover the best next step in your fertility journey. Order your SpermCheck Fertility test today.

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