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Considering Semen Analysis Testing? 5 Things to Know

By April 29, 2024No Comments

Considering Semen Analysis Testing? 5 Things to Know

Semen analysis testing can provide valuable insights for men trying to get a full picture of their fertility and reproductive health. These insights allow for informed decision-making and can even help develop personalized fertility treatment plans. Here, we will explore what a semen analysis is, how testing works, when to consider semen analysis testing, and convenient at-home options. 

1. A Semen Analysis Evaluates Multiple Sperm Parameters

A semen analysis is a detailed diagnostic test that evaluates many different parameters of semen. Typically, these parameters include:

How Does Semen Analysis Testing Work?

During a semen analysis, the participant will provide a semen sample to be analyzed in a lab setting. The analysis involves examining the sperm under a microscope to visually assess the parameters mentioned above. 

With a fully realized understanding of your semen health, your healthcare provider/fertility specialist can develop a plan to help you best achieve your reproductive goals. This plan may include lifestyle adjustments, medical interventions, or assisted reproductive technologies (ART).

2. You Can Utilize a Home Sperm Count Test as a First Step

A complete semen analysis may not be necessary for men just beginning their reproductive health journey. Many men choose preliminary diagnostic tests like SpermCheck, which are more easily accessible and affordable as a first step. 

The SpermCheck Fertility Test is an at-home diagnostic test that allows men to conveniently and discreetly check their sperm count, and read their results within minutes right from home, similar to the way a pregnancy test works. 

If your initial assessment indicates low sperm count levels, or if you are struggling to conceive for over a year despite a normal sperm count, further comprehensive semen analysis testing may be warranted.

3. Semen Analysis Testing Serves Dual Purposes

A semen analysis is often recommended for one of two reasons: either for in-depth fertility awareness or as a post-vasectomy follow-up.

1. In-Depth Fertility Awareness

As mentioned above, semen analyses can help identify potential male factor infertility issues, allowing for targeted interventions and personalized treatment plans to improve fertility outcomes. According to Cleveland Clinic, couples should consult with a healthcare provider if they are not able to conceive naturally after one year of trying, or after six months for women over the age of 35. 

2. Post-Vasectomy Semen Analysis 

A post-vasectomy semen analysis is often utilized by healthcare providers when confirming the success of a vasectomy. Rather than looking at the sperm cells and checking for abnormalities, this form of semen analysis is mainly focused on ensuring that no sperm are present in the semen – indicating a successful procedure. 

Typically, a healthcare provider will recommend semen analysis testing 3-6 months post-procedure. At-home vasectomy testing is also an option for men looking to check their post-vasectomy sperm count on a regular basis in the years following a vasectomy procedure.. 

4. Semen Analysis Testing Provides Several Benefits

Semen analysis testing can provide several advantages for men and couples navigating their reproductive health, including:

  • Early Detection and Intervention: Semen analysis testing allows for early detection of potential fertility issues, giving men valuable time to make lifestyle adjustments and consider fertility-boosting treatment plans.
  • Personalized Treatment Strategies: Detailed insights provided by semen analysis results allow for individualized treatment plans focused on specific semen parameters.
  • Informed Reproductive Planning: A semen analysis quickly gives couples an accurate understanding of the man’s fertility status. This information can help when family planning and making informed decisions regarding timelines, fertility assistance, and alternative options. 

5. At-Home Semen Analysis Testing is Possible

Comprehensive semen analysis testing is no longer only available at the doctor’s office. With Legacy, you can gain detailed insights into all major sperm parameters that can impact male fertility, including:

    • Semen Volume: The amount of fluid ejaculated during ejaculation.
    • Sperm Concentration: How many sperm cells are present in a given volume of semen.
    • Sperm Motility: The ability of sperm cells to move and swim effectively.
    • Sperm Morphology: The size, shape, and structure of sperm cells.
    • And More!

Legacy’s At-Home Semen Analysis offers convenience and privacy, allowing men to thoroughly examine their reproductive health from the comfort of their couches.

Struggling with infertility and need answers?

An at-home sperm test from SpermCheck can help you know your sperm levels and discover the best next step in your fertility journey. Order your SpermCheck Fertility test today.

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