Get equipped to take control of your fertility journey
Vasectomy failures are very rare, but the risk is still there. What causes vasectomy failure, including unwanted pregnancies years later? Here are the main culprits.
Nov 19th 2021 is World Vasectomy Day – The idea is to get men more involved in family planning and encourage them to get a vasectomy. Here’s 12 reasons to get one.
Quick: when you think of November, what immediately comes to mind? Turkey with all the trimmings? Shorter days? Black Friday sales?
Many men avoid getting their fertility checked do to the unappealing process and pride. SpermCheck Fertility offers a private way for men to test their sperm.
The Dude might abide, but could the iconic stoner make a baby? According a recent study from Duke, smoking all that ganja not only might have impaired the fertility of The Big Lebowski’s
There are plenty of misconceptions about infertility, like it’s mostly a woman’s issue (it isn’t), and guys have no biological clock (they do). But one that often gets overlooked is that couples who have already had a child are fertile (not necessarily).
Many guys do not like to talk about or deal with male infertility. Here are 6 interesting facts about male infertility that can help start the conversation.
What’s scarier than an unplanned pregnancy? Former radio host Edie Schmidt can tell you it’s a surprise pregnancy after your husband has had a vasectomy.
Fertility issues affect men and women equally, but how each sex responds is quite different. Infertility is a tough pill to swallow for guys, and much of it is because of the male ego.
The thing about getting a vasectomy is that—even if you were totally down with the decision at the time—life changes.
When it comes to making babies, men who are trying to increase their chances of fertility might want to consider tweaking their diets to improve the quantity and quality of their sperm.